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The St. John #5 family would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website.  We would love to see you at our worship services and would be pleased to have you volunteer with us to serve the community!   
                                                                                                                  - Pastor Bruce Davenport, Sr. 

Mark 11:22 "Have faith in God"

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Sundays: 11am Worship

Mondays: 7pm Bible Study

Wednesdays: 7pm Hour of Power


Get an a HIV/STD test and get a gift card!

Our HIV Program is here to serve you!
Call to set your appt: 504-283-7376


St. John #5 Faith Church welcomes you with open arms, come as you are! St. John #5 is still growing and we have withstood hardship, pain, problems, death and suffering etc. and we don’t want that for the next person. That is why we share God’s Word and Love, letting everyone know to just put your faith in God. Use your faith as you minister to others and as you minister to yourself.

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